218 S Wisconsin Drive, Jefferson, WI 53549
Phone: (920) 675-0500
TextNow: (608) 466-2124

Correctional Education Program
In partnership with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department, the Jefferson County Literacy Council provides a voluntary correctional education program inside the Jefferson County Jail. Morning and afternoon classes are offered four days per week. Instruction is designed to improve basic academic skills in reading, English and math so individuals are better prepared for college and careers. Evidence-based adult reading strategies are taught in the program.
Individuals without a high school diploma prepare to write the GED exams. GED exams are administered inside the jail. Individuals have the opportunity to complete the GED battery and earn their high school equivalency credential while incarcerated.
Employability skills such as career exploration, resume writing, and interviewing skills are emphasized. Individuals learn about various jobs using career library materials acquired through a partnership with the Bridges Library System of Waukesha and Jefferson Counties. Classroom computers allow access to electronic resources via a RACHEL secured network and serve to improve digital literacy skills.
Class discussions promote healthy foundational skill building for life and work. Positive self-esteem, change, goal setting and conflict resolution skills are emphasized. JCLC instructors seek to connect students with various community resources offered in Jefferson County upon release.
One student in the program had this to say “I never thought I would or could actually complete my GED until I started to study. That’s when I realized I could actually complete the GED test. This program has made me realized that there is more to life than the things I was doing in my past. It has giving me the confidence I needed to be successful.”